
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
34行目: 34行目:
|モウソウチク桿密度の増加が植物種数に及ぼす影響 [Suzuki, S. & Nakagoshi, N.: Effect of an increased density of ''Phyllostachys pubescens'' culms on the number of plant species]
|モウソウチク桿密度の増加が植物種数に及ぼす影響 [Effect of an increased density of ''Phyllostachys pubescens'' culms on the number of plant species]
|鈴木重雄・中越信和 [Suzuki, S. & Nakagoshi, N.]
|淡路島北部における竹林拡大の現状と竹林タイプ別管理  [Motoe, M., Fujihara, M., Yamamoto, S., Oyabu, T., Mino, N. & Shibata, S.: The Expansion of bamboo stands and its management in northern part of Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Western Japan]
|淡路島北部における竹林拡大の現状と竹林タイプ別管理  [The Expansion of bamboo stands and its management in northern part of Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Western Japan]
|本江美智子・藤原道郎・山本 聡・大藪崇司・美濃伸之・柴田昌三 [Motoe, M., Fujihara, M., Yamamoto, S., Oyabu, T., Mino, N. & Shibata, S.]
|四国山地塩塚高原における半自然草原植生の種多様性に及ぼす管理様式の影響 [Kawano, N., Fukuzumi, S., Umemori, K., Ishikawa, S. & Miyake, N.: Relationship between management regime and species diversity of the semi-natural grasslands in the Shiodzuka highlands, Shikoku, Western Japan]
|四国山地塩塚高原における半自然草原植生の種多様性に及ぼす管理様式の影響 [Relationship between management regime and species diversity of the semi-natural grasslands in the Shiodzuka highlands, Shikoku, Western Japan]
|河野円樹・福住早苗・梅森一義・石川愼吾・三宅 尚 [Kawano, N., Fukuzumi, S., Umemori, K., Ishikawa, S. & Miyake, N.]
|広島県におけるアオモジ(クスノキ科)の分布と生育環境および侵入生物種としての現状と定着要因 [Kubo, H., Nagatani, S. & Tsubota, H.: Distribution and habitat of ''Litsea cubeba'' (Lour.) Pers. in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, and its present status as an invasive species]
|広島県におけるアオモジ(クスノキ科)の分布と生育環境および侵入生物種としての現状と定着要因 [Distribution and habitat of ''Litsea cubeba'' (Lour.) Pers. in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, and its present status as an invasive species]
|久保晴盛・長谷信二・坪田博美 [Kubo, H., Nagatani, S. & Tsubota, H.]
|宮島におけるイカリソウ属の一種 ''Epimedium'' sp. の再確認 [Handa, S., Seki, T., Mukai, S. & Tsubota, H.: Rediscovery of ''Epimedium'' sp. (Berberidaceae) on Miyajima Island, SW Japan]
|宮島におけるイカリソウ属の一種 ''Epimedium'' sp. の再確認 [Rediscovery of ''Epimedium'' sp. (Berberidaceae) on Miyajima Island, SW Japan]
|半田信司・関 太郎・向井誠二・坪田博美 [Handa, S., Seki, T., Mukai, S. & Tsubota, H.]
|''Bryum amblyodon'' M醇・l.Hal. (Bryaceae, Musci) newly reported for China
|''Bryum amblyodon'' Müll.Hal. (Bryaceae, Musci) newly reported for China
|Cao, N. & Zhao, J.-C.
|Cao, N. & Zhao, J.-C.
|''Tetraphis pellucida'' var. ''trachypoda'' (アリノヨツバ,新称)日本にも産す[Shimamura, M., Noguchi, K., Masuzaki, M., Yasuhara, T., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H.: ''Tetraphis pellucida'' var. ''trachypoda'' found in Japan]
|''Tetraphis pellucida'' var. ''trachypoda'' (アリノヨツバ,新称)日本にも産す[''Tetraphis pellucida'' var. ''trachypoda'' found in Japan]
|嶋村正樹・野口加那子・桝崎浩亮・安原隆史・山口富美男・出口博則 [Shimamura, M., Noguchi, K., Masuzaki, M., Yasuhara, T., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H.]
|2006(平成18)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M.: Bryological literature published in Japan in 2006]
|2006(平成18)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Bryological literature published in Japan in 2006]
|岩月善之助・樋口正信 [Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M.]
79行目: 79行目:
|Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 15 (2008) [出口博則・山口富美夫: アジアの蘚苔類標本第15集]
|Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 15 (2008) [アジアの蘚苔類標本第15集]
|Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T.
|Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T. [出口博則・山口富美夫]

2023年3月19日 (日) 20:03時点における版

HIKOBIA 15(2) (2008年発行)目次

Title Authors Page Note
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Eudorina sp. (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae) from Taiwan Yamada, T. K., Tsuchikane, Y., Wu, J.-T., Sekimoto, H., Miyaji, K. & Nozaki, H. 135-144
Seasonal change of species composition and dominant species in myxomycete community on dead wood of Pinus densiflora in warm temperate forest [暖温帯のアカマツ枯死木に生育する変形菌の結実季節性] Takahashi, K. & Hada, Y. [高橋和成・波田善夫] 145-154
Occurrence patterns and habitat preference of myxomycetes in relation to the decay state of dead Fagus crenata wood from a natural beech forest in western Japan [西日本の自然林におけるブナ枯死木の材の腐朽状態に応じた変形菌の発生パターンと選好性] Takahashi, K. & Hada, Y. [高橋和成・波田善夫] 155-164
Does mangrove Kandelia candel (L.) Druce follow a mangrove zonation, soil salinity and substrate for survival? Rotaquio, Jr., E. L., Nakagoshi, N. & Rotaquio, R. L. 165-176
Effects of groundwater disturbance on vegetation implicated by ecohydrology Pan, Y. & Nakagoshi, N. 177-184
モウソウチク桿密度の増加が植物種数に及ぼす影響 [Effect of an increased density of Phyllostachys pubescens culms on the number of plant species] 鈴木重雄・中越信和 [Suzuki, S. & Nakagoshi, N.] 185-192
淡路島北部における竹林拡大の現状と竹林タイプ別管理 [The Expansion of bamboo stands and its management in northern part of Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Western Japan] 本江美智子・藤原道郎・山本 聡・大藪崇司・美濃伸之・柴田昌三 [Motoe, M., Fujihara, M., Yamamoto, S., Oyabu, T., Mino, N. & Shibata, S.] 193-204
四国山地塩塚高原における半自然草原植生の種多様性に及ぼす管理様式の影響 [Relationship between management regime and species diversity of the semi-natural grasslands in the Shiodzuka highlands, Shikoku, Western Japan] 河野円樹・福住早苗・梅森一義・石川愼吾・三宅 尚 [Kawano, N., Fukuzumi, S., Umemori, K., Ishikawa, S. & Miyake, N.] 205-216
広島県におけるアオモジ(クスノキ科)の分布と生育環境および侵入生物種としての現状と定着要因 [Distribution and habitat of Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, and its present status as an invasive species] 久保晴盛・長谷信二・坪田博美 [Kubo, H., Nagatani, S. & Tsubota, H.] 217-224
宮島におけるイカリソウ属の一種 Epimedium sp. の再確認 [Rediscovery of Epimedium sp. (Berberidaceae) on Miyajima Island, SW Japan] 半田信司・関 太郎・向井誠二・坪田博美 [Handa, S., Seki, T., Mukai, S. & Tsubota, H.] 225-230
Bryum amblyodon Müll.Hal. (Bryaceae, Musci) newly reported for China Cao, N. & Zhao, J.-C. 231-238
Tetraphis pellucida var. trachypoda (アリノヨツバ,新称)日本にも産す[Tetraphis pellucida var. trachypoda found in Japan] 嶋村正樹・野口加那子・桝崎浩亮・安原隆史・山口富美男・出口博則 [Shimamura, M., Noguchi, K., Masuzaki, M., Yasuhara, T., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H.] 239-242
2006(平成18)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Bryological literature published in Japan in 2006] 岩月善之助・樋口正信 [Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M.] 243-247
新刊紹介 248-250
Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 15 (2008) [アジアの蘚苔類標本第15集] Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T. [出口博則・山口富美夫] 251-252
投稿規定 253-254

HIKOBIA Contents 目次

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