稲生ほか 1999

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館

広島大学 > デジタル自然史博物館 > 植物 > ヒコビア会 | Hikobia > 13-1


  • 稲生和久・豊原源太郎・出口博則. 1999. 山火事跡地におけるアカマツ二次林の再生過程. Hikobia 13: 11-21. [Inou, K., Toyohara, G. & Deguchi, H. 1999. Succession of secondary pine forests after fire in western Japan. Hikobia 13: 11-21.]


When a secondary forest is disturbed by a forest fire, the same successional substage forest is recovery. But it is disurbed by a strong fire, many plants die from fire, then a subsequent retrogressive succession occurs there. This study has been carried out to make it clear the relationship between the age after fire and successional stage. The investigations were made at sites where are known the age after fire in the potential distribution of the association Querco glaucae-Pinetum densiflorae. The plant community after fire in this research are divided into three cases: (1) the same successional stage before fire is formed as that; (2) the earlier successional stage of Querco glaucae-Pinetum densiflorae is formed; (3) the Mallotus japonicum community is formed. This community is earlier stage than Querco glaucae-Pinetum densiflorae. In the postfire site or the two sites where the age is equal, there were different successional stages. A strong positive correlation was found between the age after fire and the tree height-cover. Even in the communities with high tree and high cover, there were found various successional stage. This might have been caused by sprouts and invasion of seed influenced by the factors of geographic location and forest fire in each community.




広島大学 > デジタル自然史博物館 > 植物 > ヒコビア会 | Hikobia > 13-1