坪田・武内・井上・中原-坪田・向井 2016

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
2017年11月23日 (木) 18:10時点におけるChubo (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎Pdf)



  • 坪田博美・武内一恵・井上侑哉・中原-坪田美保・向井誠二. 2016. 広島の帰化植物7.ハイニシキソウとアレチニシキソウ. Hikobia 17(2): 161-167. [Tsubota, H., Takeuchi, K., Inoue, Y., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Mukai, S. 2016. Notes on naturalized and invasive plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan: 7. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton and an unidentifiable species of Euphorbia. Hikobia 17(2): 161-167.]




Tsubota, H., Takeuchi, K., Inoue, Y., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Mukai, S. 2016. Notes on naturalized and invasive plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan: 7. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton and an unidentifiable species of Euphorbia. Hikobia 17(2): 161-167.

Two naturalized plants of the Euphorbiaceae, Euphorbia prostrata Aiton and an unidentifiable Euphorbia sp. aff. prostrata Aiton, were newly found from some localities in Hiroshima Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. In this study, morphology and habitat are described for these two species. In addition, DNA barcoding and phylogenetic analyses based on nr ITS and psbAtrnH sequences were carried out. The sequences obtained from the unidentifiable Euphorbia were different from those of E. prostrata and no identical sequence of plants was found in the database. Additional work is needed to identify the invasive Euphorbia species in Japan.




広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる